Fatima Portugal

April 7, 2016 by  
Filed under Travel tips

It is said that in 1917 the Virgin Mary appeared to three local children in Fatima, Portugal.

Today Fatima is a pilgrimage site.

Come along as we join the hundreds that are here today.

 “Enter as a pilgrim” (that is what the sign says)DSCF2242a

(Hint: Click on any photo to enlarge it.)

The central plaza is filled with people worshiping…their joyful singing floats through the air with the help of an efficient sound system.

Today let’s focus on the art work inside the impressive basilica.


Each piece of art inside the sanctuary clearly has been created with the adoration of the Virgin Mary in mind.

Look up…


Look up and around…DSCF2263a

Look around the walls….DSCF2271a

where the bronze plates tell the life of Jesus.

To me, this wooden or metal carving (obviously I would not touch to find out)

represents the children who saw the vision.DSCF2262a(That may not be the artist’s intent but that is what it means to me.)

This touching piece surely is about Lucia, the young girl who saw the Virgin Mary.


 (She became a nun, living a long life…passing away in 2005 at the age of 97.)


Most impressive!

Aside: after visiting the grounds, visit the town. You may even be moved to purchase some religious art.



See more of Portugal, click here.


Visit other parts of the world, click here.

Happy travels!

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