Montreals Garden of Light

October 23, 2016 by  
Filed under Travel destinations

First, let me be very clear…

Montreal’s botanical gardens

are a “must see” at any time of the year.

However, the most enchanting time to visit is during September and October. Why?

Well, that is when they become the Jardins de Lumiere (Gardens of Light).


Each year since 1992 the Chinese Gardens have come alive with colorful Chinese lanterns. Each year they become more elaborate! The creative concepts are planned in Canada, created in China, and come to life in Montreal’s Chinese Gardens.

Welcome to the Jardins de Lumiere (2015)


This year (2015) the theme is Chinese lanterns and folklore. (The theme changes each year.)

I recognize this Chinese dragon (above), but there are many stories I will have to research. For now, I just want to enjoy the images! (Hint: Click on any photo to enlarge)




Look at all the stories represented here in the lake!


(Remember: Click to enlarge!)

As evening draws its curtain, lights become even more intense


and the garden comes alive with butterflies,

and the reflections on the water become even bolder.


Oh, the beauty of stories come to life!

Aside: We were aware of this special show because of a blog that Paula and Joe wrote when they were traveling the world last year. Hopefully this posting brings the gardens to even more travelers attention. 

Where to now?

Visit more of Canada, click here


Visit a different part of the world, click here


Explore variations on a theme, click here.

Happy travels!


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