Bourges (France) by Night

September 27, 2014 by  
Filed under Travel for everyone

Bourges by Night…that has a suggestive ring to it, does it not.

Well, Les Nuits Lumiere Bourges are rather special. Join us as we “follow the blue lights” around Old Town Bourges and be enchanted along with us.

Aside: that phrase “follow the blue lights” will make sense when you visit.

DSCF8514aWalls like these will soon provide a background for music and art as we walk the streets of medieval Bourges.

Bourges, France

Bourges, France

The cathedral will take on a new look under the lights.

St-Etienne Cathedral

St-Etienne Cathedral

Aside: To see the interior of the cathedral, click here.

Medieval scenes will come to life on the walls.


A story begins in the arches,


and continues as the music plays.IMG_4073a

History comes to life on the walls of Le Palais Jacques Coeur.IMG_4087a

Oh dear, even my photos find it difficult to capture the magic of being out under the stars on a crisp summer evening when medieval Bourges comes to life in music and illuminations,

You really have to see it for yourself!IMG_4134a

To see more of our visit to Bourges click here.


To visit other regions of France, click here.

To visit other countries, click here.

 Happy travels.

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