How To Survive An Airplane Journey With A Small Child

February 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Travel for everyone

Taking children on an airplane journey can be a nightmare – particularly if it’s long haul – for both you, the parent, and any fellow passengers. Children are easily bored, and when the novelty of being in the air wears off, you will most likely find yourself with an overly energetic child trapped in a confined space.

It’s a nightmare start to a holiday, and the disgruntled moans of other travelers won’t help the situation or your mood. So here’s some essential tips to surviving an airplane journey with a small child:

-Talk about safety procedures in the days before you travel

Knowing what to expect is half the battle for any of us. So if a child has a good idea about standard procedures on a plane the less anxious he/she will be. If the child is quite young you will have to hold him/her against your body with the child facing you and with arms tucked around you when landing. Practice this before your trip so this procedure becomes familiar to both of you.

-Talk about plane etiquette before you fly

There are specific do and do not rules for all situations. Church service do and don’ts. Restaurant do and don’ts.  So teach your child the do and don’ts of airplane travel before you travel. A child can not be expected to do the right thing if they do not know what the right thing is for that situation.

-Read an airplane travel book together

Books stores with a good children’s book section (or the public library) will have at least one picture book about taking an trip on an airplane that is written at your child’s level. Read it together. Talk about it together. Your child may ask questions that you never would have thought of talking with them about!

-Bring snacks

Comfort foods are comforting for any age. Packing favorite snacks (that do not require cutlery)  in your carry on bag is a plus for both parent and child. Just remember custom regulations (ie. fresh fruit) at your international destination. If you do not eat the snack on the plane the sniffer dog at your destination will find it!

-Fast food purchase in airport secure area

Many airports have places where food can be purchased once you have gone through security and are waiting for the plane. Most airlines allow you to bring boxed food items from these shops on board. A small purchase of something to eat on board may save the day. (Foods available for purchase on board may not be items familiar to your child or to their liking.)

-Preparation is more than have the battle!

– On board use a variety of distractions

If you were just planning the journey for adults, a simple book or magazine would be plenty to occupy your attention for the entire flight. Unfortunately, children have notoriously short attention spans, so you need to vary the things you take in your on-board baggage.

How To Survive An Airplane Journey With A Small Child

How To Survive An Airplane Journey With A Small Child

Books and magazines are a good idea if your child is so inclined, but also take small travel games such as chess or Connect 4. Coloring books are also a good idea, and a plain sheet of white paper and some crayons also work well. Having a variety of options for keeping your child stimulated should help the situation immensely.

– Don’t let your child get close to a tantrum

If a child is becoming bored and / or moody, you’ll be able to sense it coming. In a small space like on board an air craft, it’s important you don’t let their mood develop in to a full-on tantrum. Distract them immediately with the above items, or strike up a conversation about the things you’re going to do on holiday – whatever it takes to keep their spirits high, and yourself sane!

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