Mont Tremblant National Park

March 10, 2016 by  
Filed under Travel for everyone

Canada has 38 National Parks (and 8 National Park Reserves).

Mont-Tremblant National Park is one of them.

(or at least I believe so. The park is not listed on Parks Canada website, but it is classified as a national park. Maybe administration is different in Quebec.)

Welcome to Parc National de Mont-Tremblant.DSCF0803a

We are in the Laurentians

about 130 kms NW of Montreal  or 140 kms NE of Ottawa…

in the province of Quebec, in the country of Canada.

click on the photo above. See that the animal on the park sign. That is a wolf, an eastern wolf (a sub species of the wolf family). DSCF0811aThe wolf is the animal emblem of this park so even though we did not see the real live animal we saw several displays featuring it .

Like all national parks in Canada, this park was established to protect and preserve land representative of the area…in this case the Southern Laurentians.


This sign has so much information on it. Do click the photo so you can read it!

The park abounds in lakes…DSCF0808a

400 of them within the park boundaries!


Stop at the La Diable Registration Centre for information and lovely views of one of those 400 lakes. The centre has huge glass windows and on those windows are descriptions of various aspects of the park. Very interesting!


(Aside: la Diable is the name of this sector of the park AND the name of the river that flows through it. Diable means devil.)


Visit more of the Mont Tremblant area, click here.


Visit other parts of Canada, click here.


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Happy travels!

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