Travel Quiz 30 answer

August 9, 2015 by  
Filed under Travel for everyone

Think you know where she is and what she is doing, do you.



Where is she? southern China

What is she doing? tatting

Tatting! What is that, you ask.

Tatting is making lace and it is (or at least was) done by hand all over the world.  The above photo was taken in China but have a look at lace being made in other countries too.

New Zealand

In the town of Oamaru (on the South Island between Queenstown and Christchurch) we found these charming ladies making conversation…and lace.


This is in the Victorian Precinct section of Oamaru which has been preserved as an historic town so all of us can experience a “Victorian town at work”.


DSCF4144aThis is at Fort Louisbourgh in Nova Scotia. Fort Louisbourgh is a National Historic site on Cape Breton Island where these ladies are recreating what life was like in the 18th century at the French fort.

How on earth do they keep all those threads straight!


Nottingham, England

For me Nottingham is the “centre” for lace making.

030a Lovely lace curtains are seen hanging in windows all throughout the area.

031- Lace curtains



So, do you want to try your hand at making lace?

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Happy travels!

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