Carry on Bags – What to Pack

February 23, 2013 by  
Filed under Travel tips

As an experienced senior traveler I thought I had the art of packing a carry on bag down to a science.  When we recently landed in Madrid and our luggage stayed at London Heathrow , I discovered I still had a bit to learn. By the time our luggage caught up with us four days (and three hotels)  later,  I had learned a lot. My hope is that our experience makes your travels more trouble-free.  So here goes…what to pack in your carry on bag.

1. Two printed lists of all the places you will be staying the first week.

The airlines will deliver any lost or delayed luggage but they need to know where to find you. Have a  list of  ALL the places you are staying the first week…the exact name, address,  and phone number plus the dates you will be there.

Having all this information immediately available is a god-send when you are already under stress and trying to make arrangements with the airline’s customer service desk.

Note I said a printed list…not just having the information available on your phone (trying to access phone service in a new country does not always go smoothly) …not just having the information on your computer/tablet (it’s time consuming for the airline personnel to record everything and under stress one could easily leave the tablet on the airline counter) …not just having the confirmation letters (too many private confirmation numbers on there plus it is difficult to quickly scan for  information that is recorded in different formats by each place of accommodation.)

So, two copies (one for the airlines, one for your records).

2. Two complete changes of underwear

One can not underestimate how good it feels to be able to change into clean underclothes. Remember,  it might take a few days for lost luggage to catch up with you!

3.  Packets of laundry soap


One can buy “cakes” of laundry soap in many travel stores but I like the individual packets of liquid Tide that can be purchased wherever they sell trial-size or travel-size products in the pharmacy area. We have never had a problem with liquid restrictions when carrying 6 packets.

4. One washable blouse/shirt

Try to coordinate the color with the slacks/skirt you wear on the plane.

5.  One pair slacks/shorts

Be sure to take into consideration the type of weather at your destination. Wool slacks in a tropical area just are not practical.

6.  Slippers

Get the inexpensive, thin, flip flop style you can buy at a Dollar type store. I hate walking in bare feet  on hard tile and/or on carpet that hundreds of other bare feet have tread.

7. Toothbrush and small travel size tube of toothpaste, hairbrush

Tooth care products are rarely provided as amenities in North America, Europe and Africa. Several places in Japan do provide mini toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Combs are sometimes provided but never a hairbrush.

While many hotels have little shop selling these item, not all do.

8.  Medications, vitamins

Include a small collapsing plastic cup if you need water  to take your meds. Drinking glasses found in hotel bathrooms are supposedly sterilized… but are you willing to take the chance.

If possible bring medications in their original bottle. If not possible, bring the original receipts from the pharmacy for each med. This will authenticate your need for the prescription and it will indicate dosages in case you need to replace or refill. Phoning your pharmacist to get refills is not that convenient from another country.

and/or carry a wallet size card listing complete name and  dosage in your wallet. This can even be helpful at home if your doctors computer system is down. (Voice of experience talking there.)

9. Valuables

Passport.  Camera. Emergency contact numbers…personal “In case of an emergency, contact” numbers, lost credit card contact numbers, medical insurance cards.

Confirmation numbers and booking details for hotels, car rentals, pre-booked tours, etc.  Your return airline schedule.

Asidemake two copies of your passport. Keep one in a safe location at home or with a friend. Pack the other copy somewhere hidden in your luggage (away from the original you keep on you.) In a worst case scenario you can take the copy to a consulate and get a temporary one issued much easier than if you do not have that copy!

Some like to have this information on their tablet/computer but I like to have the printed copy in my hand if there is any discrepancy between what I know was booked and what the service provider thinks was booked.

10. Journal and pen

(So you can record your first impressions of your destination while they are fresh in your mind AND to relieve some of your frustration in the unlikely event that your luggage is lost or delayed.)


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Happy travels!

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